By the year 2050, by weight, there may be more plastic in the oceans than fish.
Plastic pollution is now so pervasive that it is found in seafood, salt and even the air. Hundreds of animals become entangled in discarded plastic debris and fishing gear.
Plastics are one of the most common pollutants found in our oceans. Plastics are found in or on our clothes, body wash and nearly everything else we touch (or even consume) on a daily basis. Plastic pollutants are not only crowding our seas, they are hurting sea turtles and other ocean wildlife.
Pollution in the Ocean
Why is ocean pollution a problem?
- Conserve Water. Use less water so excess runoff and wastewater will not flow into the ocean.
- Reduce Pollutants.
- Reduce Waste.
- Shop Wisely.
- Reduce Vehicle Pollution.
- Use Less Energy.
- Fish Responsibly.
- Practice Safe Boating.
One Thing You Can Do: Make Smart Donations
BRAZILCARES INC., uses your donation to work at recycle centers transforming plastic and trash to arts, funding development of young scientists, We raise awareness to help protect the ocean and more.
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