“From Diego Ramírez Islands, Chile to Ellesmere Island in Canada, many people are suffering from hunger to injustices.”

When people's basic needs are met, they can focus on building their own financial stability and realizing their American dreams.

Slash-and-burn approach to deforest land for agriculture and effects of climate change and global warming due to unusually longer dry season and above average temperatures around worldwide

Is the American Dream still achievable?

Is it still possible to pursue a happy life with a stable job, a family, and wealth or success in life?

The American Dream is that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement.

A dream of social order in which each man and each woman shall be able to attain to the fullest stature of which they are innately capable, and be recognized by others for what they are, regardless of the fortuitous circumstances of birth or position.”

Although it’s not easy to achieve the American dream, with passion, hard work and dedication, it is very possible to achieve.

Latin America faces great challenges: environmental changes, inequality and violence continue to mark the lives of many countries


First- Lets end Hunger and Food Insecurity for Millions of People.

Food is a fundamental human right, much like air and water. Yet hunger and food insecurity are widespread in the Americas.

The hunger crisis hinders the success of its people—especially children and youth—as well as its economic growth.

This report outlines the long-term strategies necessary to end hunger in the United States:

  • Reduce poverty as an integral step to reducing hunger
  • Create more accessible and affordable food production and distribution systems
  • Address the impacts of climate change and improve market competition to ensure long-term food sustainability for all

No one should have to wonder where their next meal will come from.

We take bold steps now working with  the private sector, churches, and communities, building a better future for every American.

BRAZILCARES INC., uses your donation to work hard to protect the Americas' people !

The tax ID / EIN for BrazilCares is 92-1878957. Keep your email receipt as your official record to claim your donation as a deduction on your U.S. taxes.

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BRAZILCARES INC., uses your donation to work hard to Reforestation with direct seeding, it works ! Our reforestation projects work with governments, NGO's, local organizations and communities to restore threatened forests and landscapes .