Saving Animals

Endangered Species of the Americas

South America is home to approximately 40% of the worldā€™s largest plant and animal species. Tragically, this bountiful diversity is drastically diminishing.

If you have had the opportunity to visitĀ South America, you would have seen nearly every type of habitat on the planet: from the steamy tropical rain-forests of the Amazon to mountains, deserts, grasslands, temperate forests, and finally, the fierce seas and ice floes of the sub-Antarctic. With such a varied landscape, naturally there is a wide variety of animal species. Ā 

Brazilcares Inc, is a nonprofit, no-kill organization providing a second chance for homeless pets throughout California and beyond.

Your donations will help rescued endangered species, dogs and cats from high-kill animal shelters and adopt them to loving homes best suited to provide lifetime care.

We offer sanctuary to those pets who are not ready for adoption and educate the public about responsible pet guardianship, including spay/neuter.

Help to save them.

Did you know that more than 13,000 species are listed as endangered in North America and South America?Ā 

North America has a vast diversity of birds, mammals, reptiles, arachnids, and amphibians. Slowly but surely, many species are losing their natural habitat, and thus their population is declining.

Here is a few lists of the Most Endangered Animals In North America:

  1. Black-footed FerretĀ 

  2. Michoacan Pocket Gopher

  3. Tehuantepec Jackrabbit

  4. 4 Gulf Coast JaguarundiĀ 

  5. Key Deer

  6. Ā Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep

  7. Cook Inlet Beluga WhaleĀ 

  8. Florida PantherĀ 

  9. Mexican WolfĀ 

  10. Pygmy RaccoonĀ 


Hereā€™s a list of just a few of the most endangered animals in South America that desperately need our attention.

  1. Black-Headed Spider Monkey

  2. Floreana Mockingbird

  3. Mountain Viscacha

  4. Magdalena River Turtle

  5. Rio Branco Antbird

  6. Daggernose Shark

  7. Jaguar

  8. Giant Otters

  9. The South American Tapir

  10. Ā Pink Amazon Dolphin

THANK YOU For your Support.

Support children, families, & people access careĀ  and more in their greatest time of need. YourĀ Gift. Their Hope. Impact the lives of many today with one act of kindness.

Keep your email receipt as your official record to claim your donation as a deduction on your U.S. taxes. Our tax ID / EIN for BrazilCares is: 92-1878957.Ā 


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