One Person at a time.

Help our mission to stop hunger by donating to BrazilCares Inc. Feeding Americas is a program for the North America. Hungry Children and adults alike.

Make Your Tax-Deductible Charitable Gift To BrazilCares Inc. today.

You Can Help Fight Hunger with Meals bought with love for Hungry people.

We work with local churches that have the ability to coordinate events like this in its premises.

BrazilCares Inc. is a United Statesā€“based nonprofit organization in California with a network ofĀ  food banks and participants churches.

We are growing nationwide and accepting Churches and other food banks that would like to join us in this mission.

Please, contactĀ  us for more information.


Feeding people year-round

With this project, we aim to improve nutrition byĀ providing students with 3 balanced meals per day.Ā 

With your help, we are Feeding a Hungry Child in Brazil Today!

Hunger is the biggest issue and one we must solve first before trying to break the cycle and provide education to children, a difficult task as 13 million people in Brazil are living in extreme poverty. Working with children as young as 2 who may otherwise be on the streets our project provides a safe place for the children to come and learn but before we teach them it is important to provide them with a daily nutritious meal to ensure their brain is equipped, fueled and ready to learn.

America is facing both an economic and nutrition recession. Many are undernourished in critical nutrients important to health and wellness.Ā 

According to recent estimates, over 34 million people in the U.S., including 9 million children, are food insecure.

At times during the year, these households were uncertain of having or unable to acquire enough food to meet the needs of all their members because they had insufficient money or other resources for food. Food-insecure households include those with low food security and very low food security.

FAQs in the U.S. alone.

Food insecure

13.5 million or more of U.S. households are food insecure

Low Food Security

8.4 million or more of U.S. households are low in food security

Very Low Food Security

5.1 million or more of U.S. households are very lowĀ  in food security

Facts About Child Hunger- There is no possible excuse for children to go hungry in the U.S. Yet it happens - every day, in every community.

9 millionĀ children in the United StatesĀ live in "food insecure" homes. That phrase may sound mild, but it means that those households don't have enough food for every family member to lead a healthy life.

Hunger is on the rise in Latin America

Hunger affects millions. Be the change and donate to Brazilcares Inc. hungerĀ relief program. Help break the cycle ofĀ hunger.

*Numbers and estimations may be higher after the editing of this post.

All Donations are tax-deductible.

The tax ID / EIN for BrazilCares isĀ 92-1878957. Keep your email receipt as your official record to claim your donation as a deduction on your U.S. taxes.

THANK YOU For your Support.

Support children, families, & people access careĀ  and more in their greatest time of need. YourĀ Gift. Their Hope. Impact the lives of many today with one act of kindness.

Keep your email receipt as your official record to claim your donation as a deduction on your U.S. taxes. Our tax ID / EIN for BrazilCares is: 92-1878957.Ā 


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