“Natural disasters in the AMERICAS more than ever before.”

Natural disasters include all types of severe weather, which have potential to pose significant threats to human health and safety.

From droughts, floods and tornado outbreaks to hurricanes, winter storms,  wildfires, and earthquakes, the Americas have weathered significant storm damage in the past few years.


Natural Disasters

any calamitous occurrence generated by the effects of natural, rather than human-driven, phenomena that produces great loss of human life 

When these disasters strike, Brazilcares Inc., works sending what is needed the most to the affected area, local churches, other organizations and  FEMA.

They typically work closely with community leaders to identify and prioritize humanitarian needs like rescuing and treating victims, providing temporary shelter, serving warm meals, providing trauma counseling, or distributing hygiene kits.

When disaster strikes, it often brings with it an incredible outpouring of generosity. Empathy sparks action, and the world comes together to help.

Following the steps below, you can increase the effectiveness of your donations to disaster relief efforts and maximize your impact on affected communities, whether in Los Angeles or around the world.

Many disaster agencies maintain a presence through the response, recovery, and mitigation phases following an emergency.  

Please follow these steps:

  1. Give money, not goods.

    Food and clothing drives can be gratifying, but they come with substantial burdens to the nonprofits involved.

    By giving cash, the organization can receive your gift immediately and put it towards the most pressing needs of affected residents.

    Receiving, sorting, transporting and distributing these require time and money that are in short supply in the wake of a disaster.

  2. Give to the organization, not the disaster. 

    Donors always have the option of earmarking their gifts for use only on a specific project or relief effort.

    But by marking your gift as general operating support, you allow the organization to both respond to the current crisis and prepare for the next one.

  3. Take the long view. 

    In the immediate aftermath of a disaster, there is a huge influx of money and attention.

    But real recovery takes time, and relief needs continue long after the cameras are packed up and the media moves on.

    When you support organizations that focus on medium- and long-term efforts, you ensure that affected communities can not just survive but return to their full strength.

In disaster relief situations we do:

  • Distribute clean water and nonperishable food.
  • Help demolish homes and businesses damaged in the disaster.
  • Clear out fallen trees and other debris.
  • Prepare hot meals for community members and first responders.
  • Provide clothing and cleaning supplies.
  • Provide alternative/temporary housing. 
  • Provide medical supplies.
  • Establish free clinics and provide acute medical care.
  • Provide mental health services.
  • Provide transportation to the disabled or those without means.
  • Rescue and house pets displaced in the disaster.  

One Thing You Can Do: Make Smart Donations


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Donating to a worthy cause can be a powerful way to make a difference. Your contribution can help fund critical resources and programs to improve the lives of those in need. No donation is too small – any amount makes a difference and goes towards making the world a better place. Donate now and support causes close to your heart!
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BRAZILCARES INC., uses your donation to work hard to Reforestation with direct seeding, it works ! Our reforestation projects work with governments, NGO's, local organizations and communities to restore threatened forests and landscapes .