It is common knowledge that hiring a lawyer from a good firm is expensive, as there are procedural costs, experts, taxes and fees, which must be paid by the client at the beginning and end of the period. The high fees for hiring law services often end up making access to justice impossible and people end up giving up seeking justice.
The State proposes to provide this service free of charge, through the Public Defender's Office, however it does not have enough arms due to the huge number of people who need legal assistance in various legal segments.
Although the body of lawyers working in public administration has high-quality and technically qualified professionals in its ranks, it would be humanly impossible for the legal operator, however skilled and hard-working he may be, to be a specialist in all areas of Law, not to mention the immense number of cases, in contrast to the reduced number of professionals who advocate provided by the State.
Faced with this reality, the vast majority of people end up losing the opportunity to fight for their rights, distancing themselves from justice without having their demands met by a specialist.
The proposal of this social action in the legal field will be to provide access to justice, by a specialized legal team, open to the general public, willing to deal with the most common and urgent cases of society, starting the process free of charge for the clients.
The purpose of this action is to encourage the search for rights in court, set up and maintain offices, with an efficient and necessary physical and organizational infrastructure for proper service and procedural follow-up, provide the necessary resources for the expenses of the initial court fees of the process, displacements , general and administrative expenses, including payment for contracting office services, professional training and investments in training new professionals and interns.
Securing Equal Justice for All
funding legal assistance program has expanded access to legal representation throughout the country and provided significant relief to low-income.
Brazilcares Inc., does not use Pro Bono Lawyers. We pay in full for these services, so that we keep the dignity of the clients high.
You may donate by credit card here.
Brazilcares Inc., works with top lawyers, providing assistance to these categories below.
- Abuse (Child, Domestic, Sexual)
- Automobiles (Accidents, Insurance)
- Children (Adoption, Custody, Support)
- Class Actions (Bad Drugs, Products)
- Commercial Law and Contracts
- Commercial Real Estate
- Constitutional Law
- Construction (Disputes, Liens)
- Credit (Collections, Rights)
- Criminal Defense (General/Other)
- Discrimination/Harassment (Age, Sex)
- Divorce
- Employment Contracts
- Entertainment & Media
- Family Law (General/Other)
- Financing & Taxes
- Government (General/Other)
- Health Care & Insurance
- House or Condominium
- Husband & Wife
- Injuries (Personal, Workers Comp)
- Injury Accidents (Auto, Wrongful Death)
- Juveniles
- Landlord/Tenant
- Malpractice (Medical, Professional)
- Pay and Benefits
- Personal Crimes
- Police, Prosecutors and Government
- Probate & Contested Wills
- Property Crimes
- Real Estate/Property (General/Other)
- Social Security
- Taxes
Access to justice for the poor is an important step in ensuring more equal and fair legal representation. Legal Aid organizations provide resources such as free legal advice and legal representation, including court-appointed counsel, to those who cannot otherwise afford it. In addition, Brazilcares Inc., works in local communities providing additional support to ensure access to the justice system for the economically disadvantaged.