Events - BRAZIL



In urban areas, the population of abandoned domestic animals grows every day, many are abandoned for various reasons, from lack of financial resources, old age, illness or bad behavior.

The large number of abandoned animals in cities results in a major problem, which is the increase in zoonosis, which affects society as a whole. Even though it is a crime, the mistreatment and abandonment of domestic animals is very common, and public veterinary hospitals are increasingly crowded, and if they are not adopted, their fate is slaughter.

  The scope of the project is to make society aware of this, and provide financial support to entities specialized in caring for abandoned animals, public or charitable according to their needs, in addition to promoting and encouraging the fight against abandonment with campaigns and social actions.

Among what is necessary to take care of a domestic animal, there is the need to apply vaccines, to control zoonosis, surgical procedures, in addition to, of course, feed and castration.

Financial support for these entities specialized in caring for stray animals is extremely necessary, since in the vast majority of cases, due to limited resources, what remains to be done is to euthanize the animal when it becomes a serious problem for society, as is the case of disease transmission and attacks on people on the street.


Pet Abandonment 

Abandonment exposes dogs and cats to an uncertain fate, once on the streets they must fend for themselves and may suffer from hunger, thirst, injuries and diseases.

Help advocate for animal protection

Pet abandonment is different, it essentially means that pets are left to fend for themselves. They are either dumped on the streets or left in remote areas,

You may donate by credit card  here.

Brazilcares Inc. is dedicated to providing for the  abandoned, abused, and homeless pets so they may receive the medical care  or adoption they need. We are a non-profit organization that supports a network of fosters, veterinarians, community outreach projects, and spay/neuter initiatives.

Every year, millions of companion animals are abandoned by their owners. Cats and dogs, in particular, are cast out on the streets and forced to fend for themselves.

Animals shelters are often overcrowded with these abandoned domestic animals and face a heartbreaking task of deciding who they can save and who they can't.

Your donation will transform the life of abandoned pets. Help them get a service dog. Brazilcares Inc., finds new homes for abandoned animals from shelter; by screening online and providing a pick up and delivery service thru local agencies.


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