BrazilCares Inc.

International Relief Organization

We work with NGOs, Churches and their networks to provide quick emergency, first-aid programs  and more, helping in time of need.

Empowering Students with After School Programs, Arts, Video, Music and more.

Donate & Be A Part of Our Cause To Help Less Fortunate Students Succeed Academically and with Art Projects.

BrazilCares Inc.

To Provide Critical Legal Assistance

Legal Aid to low-income, ensuring equal access to justice.  We are active in social, civil, discrimination and environmental justice cases.

To provide Paid Services and Assistance

We pay for services from Eye exams, to Dental to Online Classes to low-income. Each service is budget to an individual.

We are not ashamed to ask for help.

BrazilCares Inc.

”Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will reward them for what they have done.”

Proverbs 19:17  The Bible